New Dark Eldar book

New Dark Eldar book

So a new Dark Eldar book dropped and helped to pull me back from the distractions I've been working on lately. I haven't gotten a game in with the new book yet, but I'll update more as I come across any other observations.So my first impression of the book after going...
Quick Chaos update

Quick Chaos update

So just a quick update on my Chaos army for the escalation league.The league has be sort of hit and miss, so I haven't nearly gotten the number of games in that I want, and with the onset of 7th, it sounds like it will wrap up sooner and we'll move onto something...
Bits Review – SpellCrow

Bits Review – SpellCrow

Time for a bit of a review.As part of my decision to build a Chaos army I made two decisions; first it was going to be thematic and walker heavy to start, and second that it was going to try and look great.  So for the second point, that meant a lot of...
Dragon Warriors – Chaos Space Marines

Dragon Warriors – Chaos Space Marines

Hey guys, I'm back with some test miniature shots of the Dragon Warriors that I'm working on.In case you missed it, I'm building this army for a small paint and play escalation league being run locally.  Since the Dragon Warriors are basically as close as you can...
Long Overdue update, and Tyranid thoughts.

Long Overdue update, and Tyranid thoughts.

So it's time for a long overdue update.  Unfortunately I hadn't been doing much table top over the last little while, I've done more board games with the family and some MOBAs like League of Legends and SMITE, but luckily that is changing.  The local store...