by Mike (Didcot Wargames Club) | Oct 11, 2023
Today, we have the Winged Hive Tyrant to lead my Tyranid force. This is one of Jennie's favourite models painted, she really likes the winged ones. This was purchased from ebay, so I didn't get to choose the weapon options and had to pin the tail to the body where it...
by Mike (Didcot Wargames Club) | Oct 9, 2023
Today, I have some Hormagants that were painted up in the Leviathan scheme. This squad adds some fast-moving combat potential, as well as the ability to tie up enemy units.
by Mike (Didcot Wargames Club) | Oct 5, 2023
Here are some of the Tyranid Termagants that Jennie and I have been painting up. We painted up 40 of these using a modified tutorial we found on YouTube. This was a really easy scheme and we got through them very quickly.
by Mike (Didcot Wargames Club) | Sep 25, 2023
Today, I have the completed Age of Sigmar desert ruins board that I have completed for Didcot Wargames Club. We have a slowly growing population of AoS players at the club, so thought I would invest in a couple of boards to better suit the game, as the 40k boards...
by Mike (Didcot Wargames Club) | Sep 22, 2023
This week, I have been continuing work on some Age of Sigmar terrain for the club. This is the first dedicated AoS board that I have made for the club and decided to go for a desert theme to match the existing mats and some of the trees we have at the club. I...