Robotech RPG Tactics: My Field Trip to Palladium

Robotech RPG Tactics: My Field Trip to Palladium

I got an email from Palladium Books that my Robotech RPG Tactics kickstart rewards were ready, and since I was in Michigan I was able to go and just pick them up. Their office in Westland is only about 20 minutes from my house, so today I drove out there. They had all...

Recognize Everyone and Communicate Hope

The people from our relatively smallish church got together with friends around the country and world to create this song and video. The goal is to get enough downloads (through CD Baby or other means) to fund our new building with no debt. We've been meeting in...
Snow Basing Materials Reference

Snow Basing Materials Reference

Inspired by the most recent issue of The Weathering Magazine, I have sought some other solutions for creating snow bases. I had been happy with my techniques, for the most part, but over a few years anything I did with baking soda yellowed. To find something that...
Bruno! Gobbos! Cupcakes!

Bruno! Gobbos! Cupcakes!

You may recall that I was a little miffed recently that I never received my Pirate Gobbos from an IndieGogo campaign a while back. On July 1, I received an unexpected email from the campaign originator, Bruno Galice.Hi Mike,The Post Office did return me a whole...