40k: Space Marine Captain Conversion

Typically I get distracted by the cooler aspects of building an army. My new look Dark Templar marine army is no exception. I discovered bitz from a project that never got started – a converted Space Marine Captain – and so couldn't resist the opportunity to get stuck...

40k: Old Tournament List

I mentioned in the last blog post that I was looking to recreate my original Dark Templar tournament list from back in October 2001. Well, I managed to find a dodgy photo or two of the army. As you can see it's made up of lots of old school models, before we had many...

40k: Return Of The Dark Templar

Some of you may remember my original Dark Templar marines from seven years ago. They were a test to see if the theory of creating a Mk6 space marine army was viable. They were quite a success, but the project as a whole has not progressed much since. I have collected...

The Green Horde Is Coming… To An End

June seems to have been a very long month for all the wrong reasons, but one thing that has kept things interesting is the Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter. I had announced to Bull when I first heard about it that I was going all-in and would sign up for every...

Return To 40k

Every time Games Workshop produce another incarnation of Warhammer 40k I feel obliged to take a look, given that it's played such a massive part in my hobby life over the years.8th Edition has been slightly different in that GW have highlighted some of the the key...