There And Back Again…

The blog has been quiet for the last three weeks due to me being away in the States with the family. A unique occasion to be sure as we travelled first to Illinois for a family wedding. It was a far more casual affair than we had anticipated and I stood out somewhat...

New Zombicide – Zombie Sculpts

To compliment the new Heroes, here are the new Green Horde zombie sculpts. I'm find these quite a mixed bag, but am reserving judgement fully until we get to see the final things. 17 days to go till the Kickstarter!WalkerRunnerFattyAbominationNecromancer

New Zombicide – Hero Sculpts

We have the full set of 3D renders of the Hero models from the upcoming Zombicide: Green Horde Kickstarter. They've gone down the digital route this time it seems – time will tell how they compare to the Black Plague miniatures!MeganJohannesSeliRolfBerinAsimIt's hard...

The Romans & Celts Return…

This blog has not seen Romans and Celts since August 2013. They've been safely packed away after my first attempt at writing the Dark Crucible rules was abandoned. There's been no inclination to revisit them, especially as my rule-writing exploits has turned to...

New Zombicide – Zombies

I had a look at the teased artwork for the Zombicide: Green Horde heroes last week and now have the imagery of the related zombies.WALKERThe things I can see here of significance are firstly the walker seems much bulkier than we're used to and also that it's wearing...