40k: How To Spend 400pts On Eldar

As the painting of my new (revived) Eldar continues nicely, thoughts naturally drift towards the creation of a usable army list, and the contents thereof.We're using 4th Edition 40k rules and any legal codexes/lists from the time, so I don't have to concern myself...

40k Eldar: Revised Red Recipe

My painting progress continues at a snail's pace, but continues nonetheless. I have a confession to make however, I went out at the weekend and bought some GW paint from a GW store - I know, I know, I'm ashamed. I was intending to use my traditional red recipe for the...

40k: Eldar Painting Continues

So after a week's holiday I've managed to get into something of a routine with the painting, every evening getting an hour in before everything has to be packed away. It will be short lived as there is decorating to be done, but I'm taking the opportunity to move...

The Dream Team Are Coming…

Amongst the recent re-painting of Dark Templar marines and Eldar ready for our project "40k in 40 minutes in 4th edition", I managed to get a couple of other models based and undercoated.I picked out the two survivors from my Zombicide: Black Plague dream team...

40k: All About Eldar

Almost 20 years ago, when I first started by Dark Templar space marines, Games Workshop revamped the Eldar model range. Naturally, being a twentysomething with lots of cash and few responsibilities I decided to start an Eldar army as well – my Drassan Craftworld...