The Return Of 40k In 40 Minutes

Since the last post it's been 40k that's been on my mind. Never thought I'd see the day but there we are. However, I have no intention of getting stuck in again, but a little dabble here and there wouldn't go amiss – after all I have a cupboard full of GW plastics!It...

Trials and Transitions

I'll be honest – I'm just not feeling it right now (the hobby that is).I can't put my finger on what it was but I think spending several months analysing rulesets in great depth, in order that I could conjure up my own unique game, wiped my brain.I have of course been...

WarmaHordes Mk3: All New War

So after a steady build up it's official – Mk3 Warmachine and Hordes is now available.Along with the new £40 hardback rulebooks there are new faction starter boxes which look really good value. They also include mini rulebooks, tutorials, a game mat, tokens and all...

Zombicide: Black Plague… More Goodies!

After a rather lengthy five month wait, the second part of the Kickstarter goodies for Zombicide: Black Plague arrived today.Another rather large parcel was waiting for me when I got home from work, containing lots of plastic goodness. I won't distract you any more...

Frostgrave: The Warband Recovers…

After the drama of Tuesday's Frostgrave double-feature, the dust has finally settled, wounds have been licked and loot dice have been rolled (or rather a dice rolling app has been used!).Lessons have been learned too. As good as the shooting has been up to now, when...