My Salute 2016

So we made it in one piece to Salute yesterday (despite the rather bad roadworks on the way in).Unlike previous years we jumped straight in with the purchasing – there was a limited edition Guild Ball model for Bull's team that he wanted so we had to make sure they...

How To Design A Faction Logo

I thought I'd post this graphic (below) as a visual reference to show part of the behind the scenes process involved in developing a faction logo for games (or anything really). In this case the logo in question is for the Nanomei faction from Anvil Eight's board game...

Do You Remember The Castle?

Tabletop Workshop's plastic castleYou may remember about 18 months ago I was waxing lyrical about a new range of plastic scenery that I'd recently 'discovered'. Tabletop Workshop created a series of kits that were perfect for my Medieval gaming. Alas not long after...

The Underhive Gaming Group

I decided last month to be proactive with the gaming. The gaming friends that I'm in touch with are somewhat scattered around Kent and we never get together en masse – in fact some have never met each other. I created a group on Facebook and managed to get everyone...

Playtest, Playtest, Playtest

March was a month to forget and so I've hit the ground running in April – I've spent the morning doing the first serious playtest of my Project Hood game (no joke!).Writing (and re-writing) these rules is what has got me through the last few months with my marbles...