Review: Guild Ball Tokens

I don't review things very often on the blog. I don't have the time or the inclination usually, but when my Guild Ball Butchers tokens arrived I felt compelled to post some thoughts.As usual I ordered my tokens from Element Games, and as usual they arrived within 24...

Just One More…

Not content with two new additions to the team, I've acquired the services of the "must include" Union model for the Butchers team… Gutter.Like most new Guild Ball players, I've trawled the internet for pearls of wisdom regarding my team of choice. To be fair, the...

The (Butchers) Circle Is Now Complete

As Guild Ball fever starts to ramp up I decided to push things on and get my Butchers collection complete. When starting out with a new game, a lack of knowledge can hamper your purchasing decisions, especially when not wanting to invest too much too early, and this...

Black Plague Zombies…!

It seems an age since we pledged for the Medieval version of Zombicide on Kickstarter. It's all due to arrive in the summer, but we did receive the starter box game just before Christmas. Needless to say I haven't done much more than open the lid and have a look at...

Aetherium: House Ikaru

Just a quick post to say that the cat is now officially out of the bag – the new Aetherium Kickstarter is live.I've been working away since November on this bad boy, not only putting together the graphics for Kickstarter, but composing the new Schema, cards and other...