Guild Ball: Post Match Analysis

I've had a couple of days now to let Saturday's game of Guild Ball sink in and reflect on how things went for my Butchers Team.Well first of all we won, which is the point of Guild Ball. We also racked up all our points on take-outs alone, which is the point of...

Guild Ball Match Report 1

After our intro games just before New Year, it was time to step onto the big stage with full 6-man teams (or rather 5 men and a small animal).In fairness I had not given the game much thought prior to the day before. As you may have gathered, life is crazy here at the...

Pre-fight Update

It's less than 48 hours until I will be journeying across town to Bullcher Towers for this month's game day. The plan is for Bull and I to have a game of Guild Ball followed by a game of Frostgrave – however, things don't often go to plan.My preparations have been...

Creating My Frostgrave Warband: Part 2

The composition of my starting warband is no less tricky than picking out spells for my Wizard. Of course it makes some kind of sense to leave the expensive boys behind – something to aspire to as the campaign cash comes rolling in (thanks for the tip Clint).Looking...

Creating My Frostgrave Warband: Part 1

After some initial thoughts, I've had more time to mull over options in the Frostgrave rulebook, but with the possibility of a game in a couple of weeks it's time to start making decisions. Today I'm going to look at my Wizard and see what options I have to...