
Things are hitting full stride behind the scenes here, yet there's no painting or building of new models for the upcoming game day with Bull. My model tray sits with an ever thickening layer of dust upon it!No, things are hitting full stride because the guys at Anvil...

Happy 6th Blog Birthday!!

Monday was the blog's 6th birthday, though I can't remember a time when I didn't have the blog.We passed the 400k hits mark just before Christmas, though things have been slowing down for the last couple of years. I even managed to lose 12 followers in the space of 4...

Size Isn’t Everything…

Just before Christmas I was contemplating the options for building a Frostgrave warband. Scale can be a bit of a minefield so I thought it was time to do a bit of a lineup to see how my various options fared against each other. The photomontage above (they wouldn't...

Guild Ball: Team Reinforcements

With Guild Ball taking the pole position in the hobby this new year I've spent some time putting together the rest of my Butchers team.PRINCESSThe Butchers loveable mascot is a three piece model. Alas two of the pieces are tiny legs, which proved a bit of a challenge...

Guild Ball: Post Match Review

We've had a bit of time to think about our intro games of Guild Ball last Thursday. Despite the Butchers running out 6-0 winners on all three occasions, there's still a lot to consider and analyse. I always found in 40k that you learned more from your losses than your...