Guild Ball Intro: Butchers vs Masons

On the morning of New Years Eve, Bull and I finally got our introductory game(s) of Guild Ball. It's always exciting trying out a new game for the first time, especially after poring over the rules for weeks before. This was no exception.I had my Guild Ball gaming mat...

Goodbye 2015… Hello 2016

Well if 2014 was a quiet hobby year, 2015 was positively comatose. I think I managed less than half a dozen games of anything all year and less than a dozen hours painting! …in a whole year!!I kicked off the year by buying a load of random models in the hope of...

Merry Christmas One And All…

With Christmas Day arriving imminently I thought I'd sneak a quick Merry Christmas post in before I close down for a few days. We're away for a bit this holiday but will be back in time for New Year.Bull and I finally got a game day booked in the diary – the opening...

A Frostgrave Warband?

I get a lot of non-hobby time (like whilst I'm at work) to think about, well, everything and anything really. Today I was contemplating whether I had enough of the right models in storage to create a Frostgrave warband (should the need arise). I have to say it seems...

More Frostgrave…

Whoops. Seems I just had to purchase the Lich Lord expansion for Frostgrave.It's the same size as the main book but this time a 64 page perfect bound, soft cover publication. It's a great read with some excellent scenarios and superb additions to the soldier list....