Too Good To Be True

There's a saying that goes something along the lines of "if something looks to good to be true it probably is".You may recall my blog post last week about Rackham miniatures and having discovered a potential source for them. I was informed by my visitors that the site...

The Force Awakens Alright!

Last night I went to see the latest Star Wars film, with a friend of mine as the wife won't watch sci-fi. I'll admit to being cautiously optimistic going in. After the huge (overall) disappointment with the prequels you have to brace yourself just in case, but I liked...


I made a cheeky impulse purchase the other day, the Frostgrave rulebook. I don't know why, I was on Amazon looking for something and before I knew it there was another item in my basket!It's a superb, perfect bound, hardback book slightly smaller than A4...

Zombicide Goes Medieval

Well, they promised it would be here before Christmas and they lived up to their word. Cool Mini Or Not delivered the box set of Zombicide:Black Plague yesterday – the first instalment from the summer Kickstarter.It's Zombicide alright, but not as we know it!I opened...