More Painting

Another week's worth of illness comes to a close – this time tonsilitis – and I used a little time (now that I am coherent) to paint.Ox got some more attention and is finished, aside from retouching on his base and some static grass. Taking the lead from Bull's...

More Painting…

Another week's worth of illness comes to a close – this time tonsilitis – and I used a little time (now that I am coherent) to paint.Ox got some more attention and is finished, aside from retouching on his base and some static grass. Taking the lead from Bull's...

From Beyond The Grave

With all this recent chat about favourite models, my thoughts inevitably found their way to Rackham – creators of Confrontation and purveyors of some of the finest models ever seen.They punched above their weight due to employing incredibly talented individuals and...

Finding Proxies – Part 3

You may recall a while back I expressed the need for a new miniature to represent the Hood in my new ruleset. I had been using Aragorn from GW's release of The Three Hunters (above), but his pose didn't really fit with what I needed.Well, I have found something much...

What’s Your Favourite Model?… Part 2

Reading people's feedback on their favourite models had me going back through my collection. There are a couple of the old Rackham models that I really love. The first is the Hybrid (above) from the boxed game with the same name. Beautiful model and full of menace.The...