What’s Your Favourite Model?… Part 1

So it's a straightforward question, with I suspect a rather difficult answer, but I'm going to ask it anyway. Is there a model out there, in your collection or on a wish list, that just ticks all the boxes - gives you a warm tingly feeling in your stomach (or other...

Strike A Pose!… Part 2

Waaaaay back in February 2010 I did a ranting post about the static nature of a lot of Games Workshop's space marine models. With the arrival of the rather dramatic Tenderiser model, I thought it was about time to have another look at the poses on offer with the...

New Butcher Team Additions

Not wanting to be out-resourced by Bull with his fully fledged Masons team, I picked up the two remaining Butcher models that I've had my eye on.Shank had been an advised addition – thank you Doc Bungle (go read his GB team talks!) – and when looked at again it made...

Painting Eyes

Bit of fun today as I map out how I go about painting eyes.To make things easier to follow I've quickly drawn up a set of "Mr Potato Head" diagrams, rather than spend hours painting up a model that's not always easy to see.STEP 1.To start with I'll paint the flesh...

Guild Ball Blog Posts…

A list of the various Guild Ball posts to be found on this blog…BUILDING & PAINTINGMore PaintingPainting Progress: Guild Ball OxHow To Sculpt A Guild Ball Miniature…Painting The Butchers – OxBuilding The ButchersGAMINGIntro Games: Butchers vs MasonsDISCUSSIONPost...