Return To The Aetherium

After nearly two weeks off work due to illness I finally stepped back into the studio and got back into work mode. Felt good after so long of feeling unwell.But just prior to my extended absence from the workplace I got the green light from Anvil Eight Games for the...

The Russian Bots Are Back

A quick look over the blog stats these last couple of weeks has pointed to the fact that the Bots are back – the blog getting double the number of hits it would normally. It's a bit niggly given that I'm interested to see how the stats hold up while I'm in hobby...

I’m Still Here…

Astro by BurenErdeneLife has its twists and turns for all of us. Here at DT Towers things have gone back in time it seems like. With our kitchen extension complete (except for minor things like lights and electricity) we're having the new kitchen fitted. Only issue is...

Finding Proxies – Part 2

After having a look at some proxy models for Sherwood, we're moving on to the Nottingham faction in Project Hood.With Guy de Gisburne I was stuck from the very beginning. He's quite a unique character – finding a 28mm model with a little chainmail armour and a...

Finding Proxies – Part 1

With the first complete draft of the Project Hood skirmish rules finished this week focus obviously shifts to play testing them. I'm sure games designers elsewhere would resort to paper templates and cardboard figures just to get the testing underway. However, I'm...