Zombicide… ToxiCity

Saturday saw our second game day in a fortnight, this time Bull was hosting and Zombicide was the game of choice. To add a twist we moved on from the original box to include the Toxic City Mall expansion.We decided on a 'simple' 4 square mission to start with. 60...

Dark Templar: The Next Generation

Not got the hang of rolling 6s yetThis one is for Anne…Eight months ago to this very day, our son Finn (named after the Irish legend Finn MacCool) was born under difficult circumstances. He spent his first three days being cooled in an assisted sleep and the next...

The Hood Skirmish Game

I thought it was about time that I talk more about my Normans vs Outlaws project.I give you Hood!It's something that's been in development for a couple of years now, off the back of work done on my Dark Crucible project. Whilst quite popular amongst our gaming group,...

Batman vs The Penguin

Batman pulled up on a deserted street, littered with barricades, boxes and traffic lights(?). There was something decidedly fishy going on here and it wasn't the Gotham Zoo.He worked his way down the street, taking out lamp posts as he went (in order to keep things...

Scotney Castle

Today's post was meant to be about the Batman model painting progress… but there hasn't been any. After a cracking start to the week, my last three evening have been tied up and nothing more has been achieved. It's looking very monotone for tomorrow's game.Instead I...