Sad Mac…

Things have been quiet on the blog for good reason lately. My beautiful iMac took a funny turn a week or so ago and, after a week of try various things, has gone to Mac-hospital.No idea how long it's going to be there but the blog will remain quiet for a little...

Battle In The Woods

So last night was (a slightly delayed) hobby night, but rather than carry on with the painting I took the opportunity to have a run out with my new models, new woodland mat and new made-up rules.Aside from a couple of village huts there was no terrain – deforestation...

Woodland Gaming Mat

I got home last night to find a long awaited parcel sitting quietly in the porch. It was my Pwork Wargames pvc mat.Given that my gaming board is a long way off being looked at again, I wanted something more than a bit of green cloth to serve as a playing surface. I...

Proof Of Life

I thought it was about time I posted something, time is ticking away and the blog has fallen silent again. There is so much going on at the moment that the days fly by but I am managing to grab 30 mins here and there to paint… yes, paint.I've spent the last 12 months...

Dark Days and Killer Bots

I'll be honest, these spambots are killing me. I'm getting so many now that it's pretty much destroyed any chance of me following how many legitimate visits the blog is getting. It's also skewing my 'favourite posts' list as they hit the same blog posts many times,...