Building the Backlog…

As part of the new baby-centric regime in our house, Tuesday is now 'model night'. It gives me a couple of hours in the week (almost guaranteed) to spend time building and painting my way through the backlog of metal and plastic.As you can see from the image above,...

Salute Loot

Bit of a delay to this post due to a rather hectic week.As you can see above it was a very restrained shopping trip this year. In fact none of the things on my list made it into the shopping bag!The Mortician's starter set for Guild Ball I've already spoken about in...

My Salute 2015

I'll start by saying what a fantastic day!The last couple of years have been a bit hit and miss for me so, whilst terribly excited as it's my only geeky event of the year, I wasn't expecting much. The layout seemed much more spacious that previous years and there...

Salute 2015 Incoming…

Yes folks, it's that time of year again. Salute 2015 is almost upon us – less than a week to go!This is the time of year that I get excited about my one big geek day out, about how I'm going to get back into Warmachine/Hordes again because I love the game so much, and...

Creating Batman Objective Markers

So after Wednesday's post about painting the Dynamic Duo, today I have a quickie post about the Objective markers I used in our recent Batman tutorial game.In the game you get to choose 3 out of 4 types of Objectives to deploy in the game – Joker gets an additional...