Awaiting Moderation…

by Richard AndersonThis morning I stumbled across a box of hidden gems – not literally you understand, but more in the shape of a folder in the back end of Blogger called 'Comments – awaiting moderation'. In it I found 2 years (!!) worth of comments that had been...

A Zombicide Start To The Weekend

So it turned out there was an Exit guardian!I haven't played ZOmbicide Black Plague in some time. We reckon it's probably been at least six months which, considering it's our go-to game, is strange. I haven't played Green Horde since it arrived at Christmas, I only...

When There’s No Gaming – Playtest!!

You know me – I've got to do a possible cover mockup before I start anything!!There's been no gaming for a few weeks now, thanks to Easter holidays and people busy with work, etc. yet things have not been quiet. I have finally got a viable version of my The Dark...

Imperial Assault – 3 Player Battle

Thursday this week saw a reintroduction to Imperial Assault, as Ryan and I showed Rich the ropes –He took to it like a duck to water!We hastily put together three Skirmish armies – Imperials, Rebels and Scum (sorry, mercenaries). Using the 4-player Hoth board layout,...

Necromunda: Opening Exchanges

We'd had a week or so to prepare, and now it was time to see how this new edition of Necromunda actually played!Last Monday I had a day off, so Bull and I arranged to have a gaming day. We managed to get three games in as well as the post game bits. I'd brought my new...