Necromunda 2018 Begins

When it was announced that GW were re-releasing Necromunda, Bull and I were very excited. We had played a campaign many years ago, Bull having played several in the past with many fond memories. The release of (essentially) a board game version came as a bit of a...

Goodbye 2017… Hello 2018…and goodbye!

I thought it would be remiss of me to not do this annual post. This blog has been a driving force for my hobby exploits over the last 8 years (almost to the day) and so it felt only fitting that I do one final review.2017 started with a lot of optimism (as most years...

Shadespire: First Play Through

Finally after a lot of reading, video watching and theory-crafting, I got my first game(s) of Shadespire. Ryan joined me for a game evening and we decided to give it a run out. The beauty of this particular game is that it is very quick to play so we managed to get...

Shadespire Orcs – They’re Very Green!

I know I said in the previous post that there may be a new purchase soon, but even I didn't expect it within 48 hours. A fortuitous need to go to town during my lunch hour yesterday saw me drift by the GW store on the off-chance they had the Shadespire Orcs in stock....

Scaling Things Back With Shadespire

Well I managed to go the whole of November without posting, mainly due to not much happening.There's been no 40k gaming since August, and no Imperial Assault since the very beginning of November. Even the buying of Imperial Assault gear has stopped as the initial...