A Black Day for the Hobby – Multiple closures!

Today seems to be a very black day for the hobby with the loss of two smallerIndependent gaming companies!Today sees the closure of both Tor Gaming and Spartan games. It's sad news and given the links to the halo game for Spartan some very surprising news. Both have...

Space Marine Bolter Round – "Life Size Prop"

I've been looking for a nice 40k related desk ornament for some time and recently whilst taking a dabble in the world of 3d printing (more on that in a future post) I came across a seller on Shapeways offering Space Marine Bolter Round Pendants, in both traitor and...

Hermetika Walks – Risen from the Forges

++++HERMETIKA WALKS+++++++HERMETIKA WALKS+++++++HERMETIKA WALKS++++Again and again the binaric cant resolved itself in the corner of the helmet lens of Ro-Lep Sigma. Again and again the binaric cant resolved itself in the audio receptors in that same metallic dome...

Primaris Marines – First Conversions for my tabletop

So finally got chance to start playing with some of the Primaris marines and decided making them Deathwatch Marines would be good fun (and fairly simple as it turns out).First Marine is Lieutenant Cyprian - Simple head swap with a Forgeworld Heresy Helmet (Blood...