WarGames UK – Seller Review

Hi folks, been a while since I did a seller review so thought with the purchases of 8th completed now would be the time!This review covers my experiences with WarGames UK - who instantly get bonus points for using the image from the 80s film :)Initially I hadn't...

Hobby Update: Reinforcements and Terrain projects

Finally a hobby update, after recent time away for work has allowed the ranks of Mezoa to be reinforced. Joining the ranks of the Forgeworld are a nice block of nearly 50 models. We have a unit of Vanguard, 2 units of Peltasts, Hoplites, all three of the Games...

The HELSREACH Animation – ADB approved and pure awesome!

I came across this on the ADB blog and his write up sums it up well, this animation to one of his audio books that has been published on YouTube is pure awesomeness!The animation style isn't to everyone's tastes but the artwork and the way it improves the story is...

8th Edition Broadcast roundup

I was unable to veiw the FAQ broadcast but was provided comprehensive notes by a friend.Overall it looks a good mix of AoS and current 40k so am looking forward to how it pans out. Besides if it comes to the worst I've got my seventh edition stuff.Here's the round...

Reinforcement for Mezoa – The Forges never sleep

Apologies for the month or two of quiet but life has been busy, however the forges have not been silent.Since our trip to Nottingham there has been furious activity and thought it was time to share some of the WIPs with you guys.First up my infiltrators with Goads and...