Hermetika Prepares – Building the Knightly house

So after months of playing around and teasing and generally not getting anywhere done the Knights of House Hermetika are complete (albeit with a small job on the carapace still outstanding).The models took some time and the pics below show the various progress and...

SNM Stuff – Airbrush for Beginners

Hi folks, as some of you know I recently purchased (read last year) an airbrush to try and speed things up and spur me forward to work on some new models. I know its taken me a while to get round to this but in all honesty I haven't had chance to do it :(In the end...

Hermetika Rises – Finally progress on the warmachines

Happy New Year to you all.Starting the year as I mean to go on and have some actual hobby progress. 2016 was good for starting new things but not for finishing them. 2017 is hoping to be the opposite.Finally after some time off before christmas and over the christmas...

Bringing out the big (Spray) Guns – Iwata Kustom CS

Today saw the delivery of the latest tool in my hobbyists arsenal, a brand new Iwata Kustom CS airbrush.After attending a recent course ran by SnM stuff in camberly (hopefully a review will be coming soon) and using one there i decided to part ways with my badger 105...