Unique units – Time for fun with the 1313th builds

So after a quiet few days and modelling getting back in to a much more real world pace after my week of fury I decided to work on some random units I had floating about. Its mainly rebasing and a small portion of building but hopefully these are some characterful...

Send in the Heavies – Super Heavy Armour for the 1313th

So once again on to tanks and as promised today is something a little heavier with a whole plethora of super heavy tanks for your delectation!first up is every ones favourite and go to super heavy the good old reliable Baneblade, still one of my favourite plastic kits...

Tanks again! – Armour for the 1313th

today sees more building of the 1313th and this time we are on armour, mainly chimera based to start with but other heavier stuff is on the horizon!First up is the ride for my Inquisitor with a Machinator 248 rear body to make it stand out and some own cast/sculpted...

Guards! Guards! – More warm bodies for the 1313th

So today was a good day for the 1313th as they finally on Friday the 13th got some warm bodies to swell their ranks! Todays build consisted of a whole platoon, some extra weapons and some additional command units. Additional work was made for myself by swapping out...

Ad Mech Thallax – The 1313th Ogryn detachment proxy

another post on my progress and one which I enjoyed doing a little more than normal. I personally don't like the ogryn models GW produces, either past or present. So I decided to take a slightly different route and as the 1313th are accompanying an Inquisitor I...