Warhammer World – Armies on Parade 2015

During our visit to Warhammer World we were lucky enough to see some of the finalists of the Armies on Parade event, so I decided to take some pictures of them to share with you, each picture is followed (where there was one) by a small clickable image that states who...

Flash Back – Foray in to Retro Gaming!

Well it was bound to happen eventually that whilst on my nostalgic trip that I started on with my Rogue Trader Marines that I would delve in to other Retro games.I ended up looking around for a few things that took my fancy and found they were just too...

Like a Phoenix – The 1313th rises again!

So after my stripping experience (I'm still finding notes in my underwear) and in preparation to our road trip to Nottingham in just over a week I have dusted off the 1313th and have started working on a few models towards my 500pt force. Here are some sneak peeks...