Another massive list of things to clear out!

Apologies again another sales place holder so I can link to the pics on the forums :) again if interested though please drop me a line :)Hi folks, the massive “ive been ripped off by a builder” sale continues with new items, updated prices and list.Again more...

Clearing out Oldhammer, books, badges and bits

this post is more a place holder to host some pics for other sites but if you are interested please drop me a line using the contact me section. thanks Hi folks, the mass clear our has resulted in the following oldhammer, books, badges and bits being found and as a...

Plastic Horus Heresy Sprue pics

Looks like the plastic horus heresy models might be a reality!The three model commander sprue is a delight, the other mkIV sprues are very reminiscent of the old RTB01 sprues and models