New Assasin Models Sighted – sneak peeks

new assassin models sighted or should that be in your sights: So what is the name of this new Assassin game, and what models will be coming with it? This morning we have some answers. The name of the game is Assassinorum: Execution Force, and it comes with 4 new...

New Imperial Knight Weapons Options – 3d Printing experiment

So whilst trawling the web I came across a number of different options people had used for additional or new weapons systems for their Knights. I love the new knight but I do feel it needs more options. So after some looking around I decided it was time to spice...

Latest Games Workshop Mail order gifts

So was excited this morning when I got my Black Library mail order this morning of the new skitarius novel and then was even more excited as it seems GW are giving more and more freebies out!This morning I got the following freebies in it, but my question is...