Infinity Tables @ AdeptiCon 2016!

Just a quick post up to show everyone the tables that were played on at AdeptiCon this year for Infinity!  The terrain at AdeptiCon for Infinity never disappoints, and this year was no exception.  Check out the tables that over 90 different Infinity Players...

AdeptiCon 2016: Infinity Seminar!

Infinity at AdeptiCon.  It's been a thing for a while now, but this year, Corvus Belli was in attendance!!...none of you are really going to read this, are you?  You're just here for the Seminar pictures.  Okay fine, go ahead and click on through and...

Illustration: Evin and Thargadd

Quite a while back my good friend Mordian7th, from his namesake blog Mordian the 7th, had asked if I would be able to illustrate a couple characters from said 7th Mordian Regiment of the Imperial Guard.And yes, they are still and will ever still be the Imperial Guard...

Illustrations and 2-Dimensional Musings

Ever since I was 3 years old I've been drawing or painting, creating some sort of visual art.  Of course, you could say that of any child really, refrigerators are full of drawings by children all across the globe.  But how many of those children who are...

Building and Growing a Community

Back in mid-November of last year, there was an interesting post over at the WGC Infinity Facebook Group.  It read like this:"I'd like to talk about Community Growth.  I'm the table top guy at a shop in Richmond, VA and we have a small but tight Infinity...