Breaking the Mold: The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer

The proverbial gamer stereotype, one of junk food, poor health and/or weight, and social inadequacies, exists for a reason.  We've all seen it, and many of us have been one or more of the above at one point in our lives if not currently.  I'm not saying this...

Infinity Philosophy: It’s ALWAYS Your Turn

In the last Infinity Philosophy article, we explored the "It's Not Your List, It's You" concept, and looked at how it could impact not just the individual gamer, but the community as a whole.This time around I want to look another core philosophy of Infinity: The...
Wow… 250,000+ Views!

Wow… 250,000+ Views!

So my fellow blogger over at The Eternal Hunt, KrautScientist, recently posted that his blog hit over 300,000 views. If you haven't ever checked him out, clicky the link here or find him in my blog roll, as you definitely should. This man has some insane conversion,...