Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

After having dove in head-first into Infinity, I've sifted through the two main forums extensively, both the Official Infinity Forums and Data-Sphere's Forums, not to mention various blogs and podcasts devoted to the game. Obviously there is a wealth of information to...
Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

After having dove in head-first into Infinity, I've sifted through the two main forums extensively, both the Official Infinity Forums and Data-Sphere's Forums, not to mention various blogs and podcasts devoted to the game. Obviously there is a wealth of information to...
Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

Infinity Philosophy: It’s Not Your List, It’s You

After having dove in head-first into Infinity, I've sifted through the two main forums extensively, both the Official Infinity Forums and Data-Sphere's Forums, not to mention various blogs and podcasts devoted to the game. Obviously there is a wealth of information to...
MayaCast Contest: 300pt Yu Jing Beginnings

MayaCast Contest: 300pt Yu Jing Beginnings

So there's this Podcast run by a Mr. Schadle and a Mr. Parcel called MayaCast, perhaps you've heard of it? No? Well, go HERE, and give them a look see and a listen. If you're even remotely interested in Infinity, you'll thank me for it.If you already know who these...
Infinity: Gameplay Thoughts and Impressions

Infinity: Gameplay Thoughts and Impressions

I'd like to follow-up to my last article on Infinity with a bit about the gameplay itself, and why I find it so refreshing as a system. Let's be honest though, all I've played for the past 12 years is GW games, and before that it was Classic Battletech from FASA. So...