Getting Bit by the Infinity Bug

Getting Bit by the Infinity Bug

Okay, so perhaps "Bit by the Infinity Bug" is a bit of an understatement. Since I finished the Hatail Spec Ops figure for Casey last November, I have only dove deeper and deeper down the rabbit hole. I believe that it actually may have devoured me whole and spat out a...
Kits for Bits: What to Buy Purely for Conversion Fodder

Kits for Bits: What to Buy Purely for Conversion Fodder

I've been asked time and time again how my bits collection got so large, and why I keep half of it anyway if I don't play army "X" in the first place. The truth of the matter is that I collect bits for conversion fodder. The latest articles highlighting the Inquisitor...
Dark Heresy Character: Painting and Final Figure!

Dark Heresy Character: Painting and Final Figure!

Typically there would be a painting-in-progress article before the final figure is revealed, but seeing as this was a single figure commission, there really isn't enough meat on the bones to flesh out two articles.The direction received on the color scheme for this...
Dark Heresy Character: Conversion

Dark Heresy Character: Conversion

Remember me swearing off commission work for a while? Well, when a single-figure request came in, I really couldn't turn it down. Especially when I learned it was for a gentleman that is involved in a podcast called The Guildhall Podcast, and that the character wasn't...