Back from Gencon…Guess What?

Back from Gencon…Guess What?

Yes, the picture above is me with Jen and Alissa from The Screaming Heretic, in the WarStore/Secret Weapon Booth!!Gencon was an amazing experience. This was my first time, and I can guarantee it will not be my last. The people I met for the first time, and the folks I...
Tim Illustrates a New Game!

Tim Illustrates a New Game!

Exciting times for Tim this week, folks! I promised an update as to why I've been somewhat silent in the hobby front these past few weeks or so. Here it is!For those of you who don't know, I do quite a bit more than work with scale miniatures. If we dial the way-back...
Holy Bits, Batman!

Holy Bits, Batman!

Here's a quick PSA for both a friend, and every hobbyist who loves their bits box.  I go to used gaming auctions a few times a year at a local shop.  You know what sells the most, and for the most money?  Gallon-sized plastic bags full of random...
Please Stand By…

Please Stand By…

I hate posts like this.  That why I typically never do them.Suffice it to say that I've been fairly bogged down lately with work and then freelance work at home, restricting the majority of my time.  I've got articles planned, just the time to execute them...
Gen Con Bound!

Gen Con Bound!

Guess what arrived in the mail?! GUESS!!Yup, that would be both mine and my wife's Gen Con badges! It'll be my first ever Gen Con, and I can't wait. I'm not even playing in anything and I'm ecstatic to get there!Yes you read that right, I'm not playing in anything AND...