Community Topics: Centurions DIY Marine Chapter

Community Topics: Centurions DIY Marine Chapter

For probably 2 years now, Kraut Scientist has been on me about writing a detailed series on my Centurions Marine Chapter. Considering I promised I'd write what was requested of me in the comments of my birthday post, KS gets his wish!This is a force that took over 14...
Community Topics: Entering Painting Competitions

Community Topics: Entering Painting Competitions

Just two wee articles ago, I thanked everyone for helping make Miniature Tim a success for the past 3 years and asked for topics that you, the readers, would like me to cover. Those topics will be covered in a new series, "Community Topics". The best part is that...
The "Comfort Zone" Syndrome

The "Comfort Zone" Syndrome

Have you ever been asked to try something new, and refused just because you didn't want to? Not for an actual valid reason, mind you, but simply because you really didn't want to try something new.Okay, now if you think you've never done that, we can all have a good...
I’m THIS Many! Miniature Tim Turns 3!

I’m THIS Many! Miniature Tim Turns 3!

Where the heck did the month of May go?!3 years ago on May 30th I rebooted my blogging efforts, killing my old Tim's Minis blog and starting Miniature Tim. I was encouraged to do so by many friends across the nation, as well as excited to be a part of the blogging...
Podcasts…Where the !@#$ have I been?!

Podcasts…Where the !@#$ have I been?!

Seriously. I am fully aware that Podcasting has been a thing for quite some time now. Wikipedia has the start of Podcasting circa 2004-2005 or so, but for some backwards reason, I only began really listening to Podcasts about a month ago.Why? Well, honestly it was...