Adepticon 2014 Coverage: Crystal Brush Entries

Adepticon 2014 Coverage: Crystal Brush Entries

With Part 2 of my 2014 Adepticon Coverage, I thought I'd gather all the Crystal Brush entries I took pictures of, and gather them up for everyone to drool over. Kind of like I did in person. Just as much as the army shots are inspiration for large-scale projects, the...
Adepticon 2014 Coverage: Army Image Dump!

Adepticon 2014 Coverage: Army Image Dump!

You can't go to an event like Adepticon and not take pictures of the amazing projects that you see there. You can't help but soak in everything you see and just let your mind revel in the sheer glut of inspiration from around the world that you have to pull from. So...
Adepticon 2014 Coverage: The Calm Before the Storm

Adepticon 2014 Coverage: The Calm Before the Storm

You've been following my prep for Adepticon for the past month or so now, and finally all that work has come to fruition. Last Wednesday I left St. Louis for more windy pastures, and landed in Lombard IL for my 8th Adepticon. I've loved each and every one of them so...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: COMPLETE!

Heresy-Era Salamanders: COMPLETE!

Yup. Upon writing this, it's 2am, Central time, and I'm staring at a field of green. With a spot or two of red and blue, of course. And no, this isn't some rule April Fools joke I'm Playing on myself thank God. They really are done!They are based and ready to be...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: Entering the Home Stretch

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Entering the Home Stretch

I swear I am never doing this again. The two weeks before Adepticon have been hell on my sleep schedule, and I will never procrastinate like this again......and if you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you. Heck, my wife doesn't even believe that.How about we get...