Heresy-Era Salamanders: More Paint! More Paint!

Heresy-Era Salamanders: More Paint! More Paint!

Dear Lord in Heaven I'm tired. I stopped painting last night around 12:30 in the morning to snap some pictures of what I've got done so far. Like I said, if I don't just grab pictures when I can, I'll never have a log of this project!So far I've got the tactical...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: Painting in Progress!

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Painting in Progress!

With only 9 days and counting, there had darn well better be some painting progress! The only problem with the way I'm painting this force is that I'm working on all of it at once, and nothing is technically done yet. I think I've hit a good pace with the painting...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: Of Rhinos and Drop Pods

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Of Rhinos and Drop Pods

Okay, so I thought it would be time for painting progress shots…and of a sort, I suppose there are some in here. What has actually happened is that my hobby ADD got the better of me, and I started working on my only 2 vehicles in the 1000 points; a Rhino and a Drop...