Heresy-Era Salamanders: Terminator Librarian Conversion

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Terminator Librarian Conversion

I really feel like I've hit a good stride with the Salamanders. I model some, I paint some, I model some more… It's been a nice way to break up the monotony and rigors of slamming together a 1000 point force in 2 months that I can actually be proud to field on the...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: Thunderfire Cannon Conversion

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Thunderfire Cannon Conversion

"Wait…Tim, I thought you were just using the Rapier Laser Destroyer for this model? What do you mean 'Conversion'?"Yeah, I thought that too. Until I pulled it out of it's soap-laden bath only to discover that I was missing an entire side of track. And not only did I...
Heresy-Era Salamanders: Techmarine Conversion

Heresy-Era Salamanders: Techmarine Conversion

With my list changing from 1000 points of punch in the face, to a more fire support style, I added a Techmarine and Thunderfire Cannon. Over a year ago, I ordered a Rapier Laser Destroyer specifically to use as a Thunderfire Cannon in the future, along with a tong of...
Heresy-Era Salamanders Work in Progress: MkIII Marines

Heresy-Era Salamanders Work in Progress: MkIII Marines

When we last left our heroes, they were soaking in a tub of water with an excess of degreasing soap added to it. With the Recon Marines built and pinned to cork stoppers for easier painting, and the Dark Elf Corsairs bought to pillage cloaks from, it was time to give...