Healthier Gamer Series: A Year in Review

"But Tim, what happened to the updates for November and December?"Honestly, life swallowed them up and didn't even spit them back out.  As you could probably tell from my lack of articles in December, I didn't get much writing done at all unfortunately....

Happy New (Hobby) Year!

2015 has come and gone, and so very much has happened in the span of the past 12 months.  We’ve seen the death of a much-loved game in Warhammer Fantasy, and the rise of many upstarts in the industry such as Infinity, Malifaux, Dark Age, Firestorm Armada, and...

AdeptiCon 2016 Registration, the First 24 Hours

Every year around Thanksgiving, registration for the world’s largest Table Top War-games Convention begins.  This particular year, AdeptiCon’s registration was on Monday, November 21st at 8pm Central Time.  Last year was the first year that CVENT handled the...

What’s A Little Scale Between Friends?

Ever since I began wargaming, there has always been issues with scale discrepancies between models within a game.  From FASA’s Battletech, to GW’s infamous Rhino that’s supposed to fit 10 Space Marines, to True-Scale debates, and so on.  Lately though with...

The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: October Update!

It’s not a sprint…it’s a marathon.Try as I might to deny it, we’re coming up on the 1 year mark of me actually trying to get my health in order.   November’s Update will be that 1 year mark, even if I didn’t start these updates until January of this...