Merry Christmas from Miniature Tim!

Merry Christmas from Miniature Tim!

The wife was good to me this year... A bevy of Secret Weapon Washes and Pigment Fixer, along with Green Stuff Industries' Tentacle makers!! Here's wishing you and yours an amazing Christmas!! - Tim  
A Matter of Opinion: To Thin, or Not to Thin Your Paints

A Matter of Opinion: To Thin, or Not to Thin Your Paints

After some emails I've received, it appears that the following statement from my last article wasn't exactly agreed on...even if all the comments say otherwise. "What I won't be debating is whether or not we should be thinning our paints. This is already widely...
A Matter of Opinion: How To Thin Paints

A Matter of Opinion: How To Thin Paints

Considering my most recent experiments with painting the Tohaa figure from the Infinity range, I thought it appropriate to bring up a topic that has been debated in the past. Specifically, what to use when thinning out your paints. I've heard many different options,...
Infinity: Hatail Spec-Ops Finished!

Infinity: Hatail Spec-Ops Finished!

Rather than braving the mad dash at the stores during pre-Black Friday sales, Grey Thursday (what else are you supposed to call stores starting Black Friday shopping at 6pm on Thursday?), and the hellish Black Friday cacophony of madness itself last week, I enjoyed...
First Painting Foray into Infinity

First Painting Foray into Infinity

You have no idea how much restraint it took for me to not title this "Painting to Infinity and Beyond". However, after my last post brow-beating the overuse of the Spanish Inquisition jokes, I felt it best not to. I do try and not be hypocritical, after all. I've been...