Inq28: The Finished Inquisitor and Retinue

Holy crap on a pogo stick, has it really been a week and a half since Games Day? Getting my boy ready for his first day of Kindergarten, work and some extensive hobby studio organization (a post on that later) has made time fly by! My apologies to all for the delay in...

Games Day Image Dump 2: Armies on Parade and More

Originally I was only going to do one Image Dump for Games Day this year...until I realized how many pictures I took. That's when I decided to separate the Golden Demon entries from the rest of it all so I could do everything a bit more justice. This time around will...

Games Day 2013 Image Dump 1: Golden Demon

Games Day this year was a whirlwind of activity. Not only was it busy, but it was the shortest Games Day I've every attended, having ended by 5pm! I had a blast seeing old friends that I only get to see but once a year, connecting with new ones and just enjoying...

Inq28: Paint Progress and Freehand

One more day and I can stop painting until 1:30 in the morning... ...I mean, I've got more done, yay! Seriously though, I've made significant progress in the past two days and thought I'd give everyone one last peek before the final strokes of the brush are done. Lets...

Inq28 Squad: Painting in Progress

You know that dramatic, sharp intake of breath we see in the movies and television so often? The one that is so very well rehearsed, and used whenever something shocking has happened? Yeah, that one. It's got to be fake, right? Not when you step on your Inquisitor at...