Inq28: The Rest of the Retinue

Well if I'm going to enter the Golden Demon, 40K squad category, I suppose I should fill out the rest of his retinue, right? I gave it some thought, and while I would love to fill each and every spot in the retinue with a custom converted figure, I just simply don't...

Inq28: Ordo Hereticus Inquisitor Conversion

See what happens when I have a deadline looming? I get productive! Originally I was hell-bent on recreating, and re imagining even, my Ordo Xenos Inquisitor that I did two years ago for Golden Demon. I planned on using the new plastic Farseer as a base for the...

Inq28: Mechanicus Tech Magos Conversion

I did it…I finally took the leap and designed something for Inq28. Of course, it helps that I have the ulterior motive of placing an Inquisitorial Warband into the 40K Squad entry for Golden Demon at Games Day, but that's besides the point. Originally I was going to...

Taking the Hobby on the Road

Tim's going fishing folks! That's right, I'll be in northeast Iowa for the next week going trout fishing, hiking and generally enjoying time away from the hectic world we call life. Of course, that doesn't mean that I'm leaving the hobby at home, perish the thought....

How to Handle Commission Work

I occasionally take on commissions. Lately I haven't, only because of my nasty work schedule, and two pre-existing commissions I needed to finish up first, but I have done my fair share of commissions in the past. Commissions can be a funny thing though, and can put...