Getting Back in the Saddle

Boy, it's been a while since I put knife to plastic, putty to figure or even paint to resin. Overtime at work, work trips, helping my wife prep for an out-of-country mission trip, and other outside forces have conspired against any sort of productive hobby time...

Horus Heresy Weekender Coverage by Apocalypse 40K

This is a shout out to everyone who wishes they could be in the UK right now and at this event! Loken from Apocalypse 40K took his own personal Thunderhawk from LA, and is currently blogging live coverage, so everyone go flood his blog for the latest news on upcoming...

Get More Done with Time Management!

This is one of those topics where you'd think that the subject line alone would be enough. Do you get more done with appropriate Time Management? Of course you do! By the logic of the statement alone, managing your time appropriately is key to getting anything done,...

Adepticon 2013 Image Dump: Warhammer Fantasy

Day three of the 2013 Adepticon Image Dumps brings us finally to the subject of Warhammer Fantasy. This will also be the final image dump of this year's Adepticon Coverage. It is as comprehensive as my schedule allowed, but mainly is just shots from the Warhammer...

Adepticon 2013 Image Dump: Crystal Brush

Needless to say, I took a metric crap-ton of pictures this past weekend. As promised, day two of the image dumps consist of the Crystal Brush entries for the 2013 Crystal Brush Competition. Unfortunately, family needs and work kept me from entering anything this year,...