Adepticon 2013 Image Dump: Warhammer 40,000

Is Adepticon really already over? I'll be taking the next few days and pushing out some fairly large image dumps, categorized according to genre, as well as a full image coverage of all the Crystal Brush entries. Yes, I realize that the weekend is already over, but...

Adepticon Countdown and Upcoming Coverage

At the time of posting, we'll be at T-Minus 2 days and counting until my yearly pilgrimage to Lombard, IL commences. My friend Doug  and I will start the morning with a solid diner breakfast before making the four and a half hour drive north to Chicago to start a...

The Virtues of Digital Content

Like it, love it, or hate it, digital gaming aids are here. In fact, they've been here for a very long time. For those of you who swear you haven't ever used one, check to see if Army Builder is on your computer, or if you've posted an army list or paint scheme to...

High-Res Tau Pics from Digital White Dwarf

Image Dump!! In lieu of reviewing the digital issue 400 from White Dwarf, I wanted to take advantage of the 360 degree images in the digital version, as well as the ability to enlarge and see huge versions of the images when available, and compile a large gallery of...

Why the New Tau are God’s Gift to my Hobby

Better late than never, I finally got my eyes on the WD pictures that were taken with the new Tau in them. See what happens when I leave for Vegas for a work trip and lose touch with the hobby news world? I pulled these from the Advanced Tau Tactica forum, so all...