The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: August Update!

Some small part of me is looking forward to ending the year-long commitment of monthly updates, and probably not why you may think.  No, it's not because I wish to stop this journey, nor is it because I no longer want to be held accountable by the very community...

Throwback Thursday: Centurions Terminator Conversions

2It's been a while since we visited the past, hasn't it?  Since we took a look at my Black Templar Assault Marines last time, I thought we'd go back to my Centurions Chapter once more.The Centurions were a labor of love those 5 to 6 years ago when I started them,...

GenCon 2015 Infinity Seminar, Part 1

I had the pleasure of not only attending the Corvus Belli Seminar this year, but I got to help Doremicom with his live stream of it on his Twitch Channel!  GO HERE to check it out if you haven't already.I would like to show all of the copious amounts of pictures...

GenCon 2015 Infinity Seminar, Part 2

Starting the second half of this Seminar Recap, let's dive into the Concept Art and keep rolling!We begin with how the Azra'il ACTUALLY FITS IN HIS ARMOR and move from there...New Tohaa love...PanO and the Stingray Series of TAGs!!New Combined Drones, New Yu Jing and...

The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: July Update!

Yes, of course I realize it's August 6th.  I actually have three very good reasons to have delayed this particular update.  1. GENCON!2. DOCTOR VISIT AND BLOOD TESTS!3. GENCON FLU!…somehow, the first one was so much more fun than the second or third…Yes, I...