Infinity: USAriadna Teaser Speculations

One of the most anticipated upcoming releases is the U.S. Sectorial for Ariadna (USAr).  I wouldn't doubt that once released, we could potentially run entire tournaments where a restriction is in place that you have to use the USAr Sectorial and be perfectly...

Throwback Thursday: Penitent Crusade Assault Marines

A long time ago, in a  galaxy far, far away…Well okay, maybe not that long ago, but it certainly feels like it!  Games Day 2006, to be exact.  This was my first ever official tournament, and I wanted to really push the envelope.  It took me about 6...

And the Winner is…

I wanted to tell everyone thank you for all the love, compliments and well wishes on the blog's it was, Thank you!!I also wanted to say a special thanks to those of you who identified yourselves as long-time followers of the blog,...

Throwback Thursday: Centurions Chaplain Dreadnought

As a nod to a certain KrautScientist, I promised a while ago that I would showcase my Centurions Marine DIY Chapter on the blog, as I really haven't ever done so.  Why I really don't know, as it was the most involved I've ever gotten into an army project.…of...

Only 2 Days Left to Register for the Giveaway!

Friendly reminder for everyone interested, pop back a couple posts, or CLICK HERE, and register for my 4th Blog Birthday Giveaway. The current prize box contains everything in the picture! If we hit 300 followers, I'll add in a secondary raffle for signed, limited...