The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: May Update!

So it looks like I've unintentionally started a trend when it comes to these updates in giving them all some form of subtitle. I think this month's will be something along the lines of "Tackling the Plateaus of Fitness and Hobby Alike".Trust me, it's a lot better than...

Miniature Tim’s 4th Birthday GIVEAWAY!

So it turns out that this little corner of the interwebz has now been live for 4 years.   I'd like to say I'm surprised at this, that I would have never thought the blog would last this long and other various platitudes that make it seem like it's shocking...

Infinity Philosophy: What Makes a Good List?

Ah, MathHammer™…Didn't I put you aside?  When did you decide to rear your ugly head in the realm of Infinity? …or did you?See, many people think that MathHammer, TheoryHammer, and any other term for figuring out the odds of success based purely on statistical...

The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: April Update!

I think the working subtitle for this particular update is going to be "Even the Little Things Count".  Whenever you begin a new routine for a healthier lifestyle, you will typically notice a huge change in the very beginning.  This is both very encouraging...

Judging a Firestorm Armada Tournament for Best Painted

Much earlier in the year I was asked by SeerK from the blog, " The Waygate" to be the paint judge for a little tournament he was running at Adepticon.  The "Schaumburg Prime Offensive" was a Firestorm Armada tournament that not only was the first ever at...