Adepticon 2015: 300-point Infinity Grand Tournament

Once I finished writing up the synopsis of each game for Saturday's tournament, I realized that to keep it with the other write-ups for the previous two days would be a huge mistake.  There was simply too much for one post!…that should say something right there...

Adepticon 2015: All Infinity, all the Time

Time and time again, I've said that this year's Adepticon has been a year of firsts for me.  Ever since my first Adepticon, I played in 8 straight years work of 40K.  This however, was my 9th year in attendance, and the first ever that I didn't get one game...

The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: March Update!

OR "How to continue being healthy while at Adepticon"…I thought "March Update" was easier to swallow.Let's be honest though, staying healthy while cramming prep for a convention isn't the easiest of things.  You're already short on time to get things done, and...

Adepticon 2015: New Venue and Location Review!

In the previous coverage article, I mentioned that there was quite a few "firsts" for Adepticon and myself  this year.  Well, "quite a few" is a massive understatement actually.  This year was a year of firsts for many aspects of Adepticon, both for the...