Adepticon 2015: Community Coverage!

This Adepticon held so very many firsts for me, it wasn't even funny.  They will all get their time in the limelight, but now is the time to address photo coverage of the 'Con itself!…which I horribly neglected because I played in three straight days of...

Adepticon 2015: Prep, Prep, and More Prep!

Looking back through my archives, I've realized that this is the worst I've ever recorded my prep for Adepticon in the past 3 years.  That's a bit disappointing for me to be honest, as I truly enjoy recording how I do things, my progress and ultimately your...

The Road to Being a Healthier Gamer: February Update!

 Holy crap, where did the month go?  I swear I just finished writing my January update, didn't I?Well while I figure out which incarnation of The Doctor stole my month from me, I suppose I should be thankful that somehow I still have gotten quite a bit of...

Being a Better Tournament Participant

So by now, everyone knows that Infinity is a thing for me.   What many of you don't know is that I also truly enjoy the tournament atmosphere of tabletop wargaming.  Yes, I love the hobby side of things, but I also have a competitive side of me that...

Timelines, Deadlines and Adepticon, Oh My!

Considering we now have 4 weeks until Adepticon, I would think a topic discussing how to stay on task during a deadline would be very apropos.  Especially considering the need to do so while distractions abound.  You know, distractions like kids, trying to...