Steampunk Saturday: The Behemoth

Steampunk Saturday: The Behemoth

Wow, has it really been a week already? Welcome to another Steampunk Saturday, where I just quickly show off one of my beloved Warmachine models and talk some fast and easy tactics. This time around we are gonna have a look at the big boy, the master of disaster, Big...
Warhammer Wednesday: "Da Red Baron" Dakkajet

Warhammer Wednesday: "Da Red Baron" Dakkajet

Well, I screwed up... I painted my Dakkajet over the last couple of days and finished it pretty quick as usual to get it onto the table. With my blood angel vehicles I always paint the clear canopy but with the orks I decided to leave it clear... Big mistake! I...
Magic Monday: My favorite Magic Card

Magic Monday: My favorite Magic Card

Just a quickie from me today, 'cause I just got back from one of my last exames this semester, am pretty beat and just want to relax. Nevertheless I wanted to talk to you about my favorite magic card of all time. I love to play tribal decks and in my opinion there is...
Steampunk Saturday: The Juggernaut

Steampunk Saturday: The Juggernaut

The khadoran military employs many warjacks, a couple of them with older chassis and some pretty new ones. One of the oldest that stands out is the mighty Juggernaut it is only out aged by the Berserker but is still a staple in many of khadoran warcasters armies, as...
Warhammer Wednesday: Blood Angel Vindicator

Warhammer Wednesday: Blood Angel Vindicator

Great to have you back for another Warhammer Wednesday here on the MiniWarBlog. This time around I want to talk to you about one of my favorite Space Marine vehicles, the mighty Vindicator. Even though the current meta might not favor this absolutely amazing piece of...