Magic Monday: Top 5 Born of the Gods Cards in Limited

Magic Monday: Top 5 Born of the Gods Cards in Limited

Another Monday and another start in to a hopefully amazing week. I hope everyone had a great weekend. Today I would like to talk to you about the, in my opinion, top five cards of the Born of the Gods set for the limited format. Currently a draft will look like this:...
Steampunk Saturday: The Kodiak

Steampunk Saturday: The Kodiak

Welcome to another Steampunk Saturday! I hope you all had a great week and I'm glad to see some of you return to this little showcase. Today I would like to show you the painted version of my Kodiak. I stuck to the standart Khador colors for him. It was a fairly quick...
Warhammer Wednesday: Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard

Warhammer Wednesday: Blood Angel Sanguinary Guard

For this first installment of Warhammer Wednesday I wanted to show off one of my all time favorite Blood Angel units. The Sanguinary Guard. Now, I don't use them as often as I would like in 6th edition but I still love the fluff and how these models look. With their...
Magic Monday: Limited (BotG/Th/Th) Deck Tech G/R Monsters

Magic Monday: Limited (BotG/Th/Th) Deck Tech G/R Monsters

What a fine day to start into a new week. A new week of hobby related goodness. Could there be anything better? Probably not but let me try it anyway with the new, fresh, hot off the press Magic Monday! Today I will be showcasing my latest Magic: The Gathering draft...
Steampunk Saturday: The Butcher of Khardov

Steampunk Saturday: The Butcher of Khardov

Now, let's start things off right with a nice little bit of Warmachine. About three years ago I started out collecting a small Khador army and an even smaller Cygnar force. I very recently sold the blue guys and began to focus on supporting the khadoran war efforts in...